Monday, July 4, 2011

Week 4

Dear Baby,

We are getting excited. This weekend is crawling by. I can't wait until Tuesday when we can make the appointment to see the OB about you. We have questions, as you could imagine. We've told Mama and Granny now. Both of them are excited. Grandpa Mike and Grandma Anita still don't know yet. We picked out some cute books to send them. I'm sure when they open the package, they'll be surprised and call us. The books are "All my Bad Habits, I learned from Grandpa" and "All my Good Habits, I learned from Grandma". I think it'll be cute. I also ordered "The Grandparent's Guide to Choosing a Name that Fits" for my parents. I'm sure by the time you get here, they'll know what they want to be called.
Your Daddy is so excited about you. He's going to be such a great Daddy! You will learn to go to him when you need a patient ear. He's amazing, really! He wants to be at as many appointments as we can manage. He doesn't really care if you are a boy or a girl, he wants a healthy baby.
I spent the morning trying to think up a nickname for you. I don't want you to get a complex with a name that may have a bad connotation, so I'm trying to think of something cute and gender neutral. I've stopped my cycle, so I am a little less worried each day. I am growing more and more excited, too. :) That's the update for now.


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