Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 12

Dear Monkey,

I'll be honest with you. Pregnancy sucks the big one! I quite dislike it. All this loosening up of my insides has not been pleasant. I'm constantly hungry now, but can only eat what really appeals to me at the moment. And thirst has been a big one too. I don't really like most soda now. I drink lots of water, but after awhile, it becomes boring. I tried adding my usual sweet n low or crystal light, but both make me even thirstier. Gatorade is good, but I hear that it may give me heartburn as you get bigger. Sigh. I'm just not used to having to deal with all this! I am very grateful for my constant good health as I grew up and so far through adulthood. Having all these preggo symptoms really make me appreciate the health bestowed on me. :) The other symptom seems to be sleep. I could literally sleep 20 hours a day if I don't have something planned! Must be part of the incubating process, I guess. So right now, you are somewhat a pain, but I am told that all will be worth it when I have you. Just don't expect a brother or sister. Right now, I couldn't imagine doing this stuff again! lol I am going to try to start taking maternity pics this week. Hopefully I can manage to do one a week. I still haven't gained any weight with you yet...which is good. I need to start exercising more than I do. You will find that I lack a lot of self discipline, but I'll try to give it a go. Behave and go easy on my symptoms....PLEASE!



  1. I can totally relate with the water thing. My doc said to drink more water than I think I can & it got old really fast. I tried adding just a splash of gatorade to the water for some kind of flavor, but even a tablespoon of it in 44oz. of water gave me instant heartburn. I discovered a lifesavor (flavor-wise) in Vitamin Water! I actually tried it this summer when we were down in Charleston & found that with most of the flavors, I had no heartburn! Yeah! (I've found now that ice-cold water is what appeals to me. And I mean TONS of ice!) Just thought I'd pass that on to you since I'm on the last day of my 40 weeks. Also, not sure if you've started with the reflux or not, but once that started for me, I found that eating small portions throughout the day kept it all under control. I advoided eating 'meals' & had a sandwich, then a couple hours later an apple, then a couple hours later crackers, etc... I found that if I didn't eat as soon as I woke up I'd be nauseous. I kept wheat thins & chex mix on my night stand for the first trimester. Also, taking your prenatal's right before you go to sleep will also help with nausea that is brought on by the vitamins. These are all things I've found out by trial & error & also from my doc (who is awesome, btw). Just know that you'll start to feel much better soon! Everyone is different, but I think my turning point was around week 18. Just hang in there & drink as much water as you can!
    Keep us posted!
    Love ya!

    CONGRATS Y'ALL!!! I had NO IDEA!!!
    I gotta keep up with you more now that you are gone from here :(
    Sending lots of hugs to you and Mr Greg!!!

  3. O honey! I totally feel ya. I did not like being pregnant at all. :( I enjoyed the end result but pregnancy.. eeeww. I never wanted to take pics and would not let anyone take pics of me. If I could have a surrogate I would do it 20 times. Many are asking me about a 3rd time.. I don't know about that at all. lol It is really worth it though. Take it easy and get some rest.
