Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 21

Dear Baby,

This week has been mostly about finding you a name. I'm not really sure what you will be called. We were going to name you Greyson Blake if you were a boy. It's kind of ironic that we settled on a boy's name, but I wanted a girl so badly. Unfortunately, I love love love surnames (last names) for first names. Most of these only work for boy's names. There are a couple that would work for girl's names like Harlow or Kensington. I'm still searching and compiling my list before mulling over them. Maybe I'll even do a Facebook poll when I narrow the list down a bit. I like to hear other people's opinions on the names I really like. It provides a first impression from a variety of perspectives. But ultimately it will be your daddy and I's decision and everyone will just have to get used to it. :)

I am really starting to feel you moving around in there this week. Before I thought I felt it, but wasn't sure. Now you make sure I know it's you. :) It's strange and hard to describe. I'm hoping that you will be strong enough for your daddy to feel you kick before he has to go to Virginia. Then he won't really miss all that much while he's gone. I'm trying to hold out a couple more weeks so that I'm really showing before we take our Christmas picture. I want you to be a part of our annual newsletter/picture. I usually like to have them ordered by now, but I imagine people might get them late this year. It takes me awhile to address them all!

I'm still so excited that you are a girl. I look at shops online every day! I'm trying to perfect your baby registry. I love Amazon. I can add anything from anywhere, so I don't have doubles. I will still have to go to a brick store and register for people who don't like buying things online. But I can shop for the best prices on the exact things I want using Amazon. Love it! And because I keep forgetting (that's a huge preggo symptom!) to email a link to the people who've asked, I'll put the link on here. McDonnell Amazon Baby Registry


1 comment:

  1. I think Virginia is a lovely name and in your case it would have some meaning behind it. It can always be shortened to "Ginny". Don't mind my ramblings at this hour of the night. I think this is my first time commenting on your blog. Congrats on having a girl! I have two boys and love them to pieces but always wanted a girl too.

    Nice to meet you... I am Anna :)
