Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Week 25

Dear Baby,

You are already spoiled! :) Your closet is starting to rival mine and that's no small feat! We've bought all the cute things we run across and Dawn just loves to buy things for you! My dad has even bought some dresses for you. I took some pics to document the evolution of your closet!

I fell in love with this blanket. It's purple and has ruffled flowers! Oh my! You also have a pretty green blanket Dawn bought to match your nursery.

You have quite the collection of shoes growing thanks to Miss Dawn! :) Greg got the penguin shoe/socks. Tis the season for penguins and we pick up everything we find. He loves penguins! I bought the black and pink tutu as soon as I found out you were a girl!

The white suit on the end is a Ed Hardy snow suit that Dawn insisted on buying you for next year. The family is going on a trip to TN next winter and since you won't let me this year, I want to go skiing next! So you will be quite toasty!

It's still growing!

I couldn't pass up the middle picture frame from Hobby Lobby for half off! Your picture will look fabulous in it...most likely a black and white pic. :) The pink piggy bank is from Grandma and Grandpa McDonnell for Christmas. The cute little animal is from them too. It's so soft! Dawn got you the Lucia Trumpet Ribbon socks. They are quite beautiful. She also got you the cutest sunglasses! (they're in the black and white bin) You have a few headbands too. I ordered the puppy and monkey hats from a college friend before I even found out what you were. You will look adorable in them! I also have a stack of cloth diapers as well as a few packages of disposables. So you have a great start!

Christmas also came early for you! This is what Dawn ordered for you, you lucky girl...or is it lucky Mommy? :D Either way, we'll both be quite stylish with this pink circle Coach diaper bag! Dawn spoils us both!


  1. Trey has a blue puppy dog like that pink one! We call him Crinkles cause his ears crinkle. :)

  2. Trey has a blue puppy dog like that pink one! We call him Crinkles cause his ears crinkle. :)
