Friday, December 16, 2011

Week 27

Dear Baby,

The pregnancy symptoms have escalated this week. It looks like my third trimester is sure to be a doozy! My breakouts are in full force across my face, chest, shoulders and down my back. That is a lot of acne for a girl who has only ever had one or two zits at a time! On the days I wear make up, I tend to feel better about myself. But mostly I am just biding my time until your arrival. Usually they don't hurt, so that's positive! :)

The other thing is swelling. You'd think every cell in my body decided to drink a gallon of water each! I wish I could just prick myself with a pin and let it all out. Check out my ankles in the pic below! :S  I am drinking quite a bit of water to counter it and exercise is a goal. My shoe selection is becoming quite limited these days. I have had to give up wearing my wedding rings. I don't want them to get stuck! Even my faux rings are too small. When your daddy gets home, we'll go shopping for a bigger faux ring. I hate being ringless! I also may have to give up my watch soon. Sigh.

The swelling has created another problem. I now have carpal tunnel in my right hand. The tips of my fingers are numb almost constantly and gripping things is getting harder. I feel like an old woman! I hope the next couple of months fly by. I would like for you to come out beautiful, smart and healthy. But I would also like you to restore my healthy self to it's previous condition! :)

So far, I have gained about 19 pounds with you. I gained the first 16 quite rapidly in early November, but have finally slowed down to around a pound a week. I'm cool with that as long as it doesn't get up to 50 or something! I waddle, waddle, waddle...especially when I'm tired. Most of the waddling comes from a catch in my lower back/hip area. If I over-do it, I can barely weight bear when standing. This is mostly only a problem late at night or early in the morning. My body has to warm up to movement. lol I guess because I have always been blessed to have a healthy body, every little pain intrigues me. I notice! I suffer for you, my dear. :)


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