Saturday, December 24, 2011

Week 28

Dear Baby,

This is the week of glucose! I went on Tuesday for my one hour. Because they didn't tell me not to eat, I ate breakfast before I went. I truly think that's why I TWO points. Ugh. After I drank the glucose, I wanted to go to sleep (which isn't allowed). I was pretty uncomfortable and a magazine was just making me sleepier.
The three hour test was a much more pleasant experience, if you can imagine! I think I was more prepared in knowing what to expect. I couldn't eat for twelve hours before the test. That was challenging, because I couldn't fall asleep until 2am and I was hungry! But I did not want to fail this test, so I was good and drank water instead. That was a mistake! I was awakened probably every hour by my wonderful bladder! I love the people who work in the lab at the clinic. They are such friendly people. This time around it was all guys. They told me they didn't know if they could drink those glucose drinks. I told them they really aren't long as you don't drink them on a full stomach!
My strategy for staying awake this time was my ipod. I loaded some tv shows onto it the night before and the time flew by. I also crocheted your nursery blanket for the first two hours. I had to quit the third hour, because the carpal tunnel was giving me fits! It will be a beautiful blanket, though. I bought enough yarn to do 3 blankets, but it looks like I am only going to manage one. I would have started on them earlier in my pregnancy if I had known swelling would be such a problem. But after I have you, and while you sleep, maybe I can get the others done.
In total, I got stuck 4 times. Only one of them didn't hurt. I think the swelling may make the blood draws hurt a little more than usual. I hope I passed. I might not know until next week because people are on Christmas stand down now. We'll keep our fingers crossed!


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